We are a food company grounded in the notion that deliciousness might just change the world—and that it starts with the seed. Built by chefs, farmers, plant breeders, and plant eaters, we strive to make ingredients taste better before they ever hit a plate.
It’s a collaboration—a cross-pollination—based on a simple premise: we believe flavor can succeed where commodification has failed. That it can change how we eat and, in turn, how we grow.
So if you’re a chef, a breeder, a farmer, a gardener, an eater, an enthusiast or maybe some combination of those things, then there’s a seat at the table here for you, and space in the rows and on the line.
Flavor is never finished. And we're just getting started.
— The Row 7 Team

Long before a cookbook is cracked—even before farmers sow their fields—plant breeders write recipes for our ingredients. The problem? Too often, they are asked to select for commodity traits at the expense of good food, nutrition and our environment. What if, instead, we started with what’s delicious? We work alongside chefs, farmers and plant breeders to select delicious new vegetables for our palates and the planet.

Seed is a crop, too, and where and how it is grown matters. Whenever possible, our seeds are produced and selected in organic systems, in partnership with seed growers across the U.S. These methods create strong, resilient plants capable of fending for themselves. Stronger plants literally are tastier plants.

Today, we are partnering with regional organic growers to bring Row 7 produce to the grocery aisle, ensuring that each vegetable is grown for place and picked (and eaten) at the perfect moment. The end goal? Tastier food, healthier soil, more diverse and nutritious diets for as many people as possible. In other words, a revolution we can all get behind.